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美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

2017-08-11 09:58:24 来源:网络投稿


《Vanity Fair》(《名利场》)美国老牌生活杂志,1913年创刊,报道对象多是上流人物、演艺明星、时尚先锋,其摄影力量在美国主流期刊中数一数二,较有名的有女摄影师安妮·莱伯维茨以及马克·塞利格(Mark Seliger)、蒂姆·沃克(Tim Walker)等。后来开始发力网络和社交,纸刊逐渐停止,也算是顺应形势,最新他们最新发布的2017年度化妆品,包含彩妆和护肤品,让我们一起看看吧。

1 Laurent enchanted Round Lipstick 

The pipe should be Laurent every girl should have a lipstick, regardless of color, or moisture, fragrance is very good, very smooth, is that long enough, but it can make you addicted to a tube of lipstick, and hot tube also has a lot of Oh #1 and #12#46 are very popular color.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

1 圣罗兰迷魅圆管口红

圣罗兰的这款圆管应该是每个女生都应该有的一款口红,不论是显色度还是滋润度,香味都是非常棒的,非常的丝滑,唯一不好的地方就是持久度不够,但是确实一管能让你上瘾的口红,而且圆管的热门也有很多哦,#1 #12#46都是非常热门的色号。

2 HR Helena classic cheetah Mascara

In fact, Helena Mascara list is expected by many people, the brand with professional and breakthrough, in the mascara products make bold, laid the foundation can not shake mascara. This mascara is its home star products, but also many stars recommended a good effect with CILS combo, create sexy natural curl eyelashes, waterproof effect is powerful even do not have to worry about swimming.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

2 HR赫莲娜经典猎豹睫毛膏


3 announce snail facial mask

This is a Chinese Henan the Yellow River river snail mask, 3000 years of the Yellow River erosion created the most suitable snail growth temperature and humidity by the National Cosmetics Association certified organic snail breeding base, and long-term for South Korea and France Ian Jiao Yun poetry, such as the Estee Lauder to provide raw materials, natural snail dope is the women in the United States. The most famous Hollywood actress Dinah Michaele love, many times in the Facebook sun on her natural snail dope effect with Xuan sunburn repair filming.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

3 宣致蜗牛面膜


4 Chanel No'5 Perfume

The legendary coco Chanel (CoCo Chanel) was created in 1921. The aroma is made up of 80 different ingredients, shapes and names that indicate the strong side of women.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

4 Chanel No'5 香水

传奇人物可可.夏奈尔(CoCo Chanel)于1921年创制。香味由80种不同的成份合成,外形及名字都显出女性刚强的一面。

5 Lancome essence liquid (Lancome black bottle).

This brand is not only the French national treasure brand of skin care products, but also one of the world famous cosmetics brands. It is also the essential brand skin care product of many Hollywood actresses. This product is the world's first gene maintenance based essence products, won the more than 100 Beauty Awards in the world, can repair the skin deep muscle layer, make the skin more youthful, suitable for 30 years old people.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

5 兰蔻精华肌底液(兰蔻小黑瓶)


6 Estee Lauder clear Whitening Cream

Estee Lauder clear whitening cream SPF30/PA++ (also known as the accompanying snow melting BB) silky texture and delicate, easy to apply, after makeup makeup is very natural, and can effectively cover facial defects, the overall color significantly brighten, create bright pure whenever and wherever possible the natural good complexion, very convenient to go traveling. In addition, it also has the excellent defensive capability of SPF30, and it has the advantages of whitening and blocking.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

6 品牌 清澈净白修颜膏


7 SK2 skin essence lotion (immortal water)

SK-II is the high-end products and skincare industry, by virtue of this skin care essence (also called fairy water) topped the charts, containing pitera component brand unique, acid-base balance, regulate skin muscle, increase skin cell resistance, promote the balance of the The new supersedes the old. but many popular stars, men and women are in use, effect good is in a complete mess.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

7 SK2护肤精华露(神仙水)


8 Chanel velvet lipstick

Chanel's velvet series, the biggest feature of two words to describe, that is: texture! But there is a disadvantage of velvet series is relatively dry, it is more suitable for lips good condition, if the mouth dry is recommended to do a good job moisturizing, but very smooth, lip deep person to render, otherwise the color will be dark color, recommendation No. #43, it is very often a day color is very white.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

8 香奈儿丝绒口红


9 Kiehl's Calendula herbal toner

Plant extracts and mild non-alcoholic lotion, can effectively balance normal to oily skin. Completely extracted marigold flower essence, have the effect of tightening the skin, also can improve skin allergies, or help to improve acne scars.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

9 科颜氏金盏花植物精华爽肤水


10 Mentholatum men's skin care products

Skin care products is to create a feature of Mentholatum for men's skin care needs and special products to men also need skin care concept, so that men can find their own skin care series, is divided into a number of skin care series, according to the men love the skin out of oil, acne and large pores, thick cuticle of a to care, improve their skin condition.

美国老牌生活杂志《Vanity Fair》评选 明星最爱的化妆品排行榜前十名

10 曼秀雷敦男士护肤品









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