《Master》是美国民间的权威统计报告,该报告从11月初开始统计,在各大华人论坛和社区进行统计,可以说是目前华人非常真实而已细密的统计报告,其实有最喜欢的中国产的生活产品和美食,护肤品等,我们今天就翻译护肤品,其他的生活产品已经有人翻译过了。以下是美国华人喜欢的护肤品排行榜10强。 1 Herborist hydrating moisturizing essence water As a Chinese skincare brand Herborist's flagship product, this hydrating moisturizing essence water is the most unique classic products, contains Dendrobium nobile, asparagus, fresh rehmannia, Chinese yam and other precious skin care ingredients, is the natural skin tonic, can improve dull, brighten skin color, but also promote the vitality of the skin, keep the water the liquid is to maintain skin moisture balance, the magic weapon of choice. 1 佰草集 新玉润保湿菁华水 作为国产护肤品牌的佰草集的主打产品,这款新玉润保湿菁华水是最具特色的经典代表产品,蕴含金钗石斛,天门冬,鲜生地、山药等珍贵护肤成分,是肌肤的天然滋补品,能改善暗沉,提亮肤色,还能促进肌肤活力,保持水液平衡,是维持水嫩肌肤的不二法宝。 2 zeefine snail mask On the market most snails liquid mask, are synthetic, not only the effect is poor, also easy to plug the pores, but there are exceptions to everything, the Henan snail dope mask manufacturers, have their own snail breeding base, South Korea and France CLARINS Ian and Thailand snail snail cream provides natural raw materials have many years history, so they are globally recognized quality snail raw material, snail dope popular in the United States, known as liquid gold skin care. The snail raw liquid mask is a real natural snail original liquid, which will make you buy back infinitely. 2 宣致蜗牛面膜 市场上的蜗牛原液面膜,大多数都是人工合成的,不仅效果差,还容易堵塞毛孔,而万事有例外,河南这家蜗牛原液面膜厂家,有自己的蜗牛养殖基地,为韩国品牌和法国品牌和泰国的蜗牛霜提供天然的蜗牛原料已经有很多年的历史了,所以他们是全球公认的优质蜗牛原料商,蜗牛原液在美国备受欢迎,被称为护肤黄金液。宣致蜗牛原液面膜,是真正的正宗天然蜗牛原液,用一次就会让你无限回购。PS:今年在日本COSME大赏里获奖。 3 three flowers seaweed sleep mask pehchaolin Baiqueling Sansheng sleep mask is a flower of seaweed, Oriental women tailored, deep moisturizing mask. Rich in algae essence, have very good effect for rough and dull, dry skin. If you often face computer, dry skin, rough, so the specific replenishment of the disposable mask, is a good choice for you. 3 百雀羚 保湿滋养面霜 百雀羚保湿滋养面霜,是为东方女性量身定制的,深度补水面霜。富含水藻精华,对于粗糙暗哑、干燥缺水肌肤有很好的功效。如果你经常面对电脑,皮肤干燥,粗糙,那么这款专一补水的面霜,是你不错的选择。 4 snakes ointment This product is sold better in the US and Canada, because the US and Canada are even colder than that in China. The Chinese in the US are very approving of this decades long Lillie snake ointment, and frostbite and frostbite are used in this way. ![]() 4 隆力奇蛇油膏 这款在美国和加拿大都卖的比较好,因为美国和加拿大比咱们中国还要冷,美国的华人对这款几十年的隆力奇蛇油膏非常认可,冻伤和防止冻伤都用这个。 5 suitable for the white face cream of Rhodiola The texture is plentiful, smooth and permeable, and it can give full play to the lasting moisturizing effect. Rhodiola contains "antioxidant ingredients" activity, with snow grass, white peony whitening essence, in the "import element" function, improve skin whitening force directly into the bottom, recuperation rough dark yellow skin, moments of tender and white, uniform brightness. 5 相宜本草红景天幼白面霜 质感丰盈柔滑,易渗透,发挥持久滋润效能。红景天蕴含“活性抗氧成分”,配合积雪草、白芍药美白精萃,在“导入元”作用下,直接深入底层提升肌肤美白力,调养粗糙黯黄肤质,时刻展现幼嫩、白皙、匀亮。 6 perfect aloe vera gum Perfect aloe vera gel should be the most popular domestic aloe vera gel, for cuts, abrasions, wounds fester, scald, itchy skin, acne, dark spots, mosquito bites, toothache, labidocera ulceration, scars and so on have obviouseffect, completely lost to South Korea's natural park, is a gelatinous texture the painted to cool, very refreshing, is a necessary aloe gel. 6 完美芦荟胶 完美芦荟胶应该是国内最受欢迎的芦荟胶了,对割伤、擦伤、伤口溃烂、烫伤、皮肤痕痒、青春痘、黑斑、蚊虫叮咬,牙痛,唇角溃烂,手术疤痕等等都有明显的辅助作用,完全不输给韩国的自然乐园,质地是凝胶状的,涂上去凉凉的很清爽,是必备的一只芦荟胶。 7. The hydrodynamic water can live Rehydration - water - water - locking skin power water circulation to the extreme. The texture of fresh and smooth, like gurgling spring to apply deep skin moisturizing energy flow perfusion, quickly conditioning the skin to the best state of hydration, giving the skin moist feeling like deep sea spa. Instantly replenish water, promote the synthesis of water channel protein, dredge the natural moisture of skin and transport it into your skin. ![]() 7 珀莱雅水动力活能水 将补水—活水—锁水的肌肤动力水循环演绎至极致。 质地清新流畅,涂抹间如汩汩清泉直抵肌肤深层,灌注源源保湿能量,迅速调理肌肤至最佳水合状态,给予肌肤深海水疗般的清润感受。 即刻补水,促进水通道蛋白合成,疏通肌肤天然水分输送到你的肌肤里。 8 Dabao eye bag cream The Chinese skincare moisture have nothing to say, paste has a light fragrance, use a few days later, the pouch will disappear, it is suitable for girls to stay up late. Dabao SOD honey is also very good, but in fact, there is no good effect of this eye cream. 8 大宝眼袋霜 这款国货护肤品的滋润度无话可说,膏体有着淡淡的茶香,使用几天后,眼袋便会消失,很适合熬夜的女生。大宝sod蜜虽然也很不错,但是实际上并没有这款眼霜效果好。 9 olive moisturizing cream foundation Yumeijing milk They will not feel this is called liquid foundation, can only be said to be Polish Cream Concealer disadvantages: weak, the feeling is a sense of love for the people is a disaster pox. Advantages (right or good): for skin area without color and print, even skin effect is good. Super moisturizing and flawless dry skin can be tested in winter. 9 郁美净鲜奶橄榄水润粉底霜 感觉这个压根就不能叫做粉底液,只能说是润色面霜,缺点:遮瑕力弱,出来的感觉是油亮感,对于爱起痘的人来说是灾难。优点(没错还是有优点的):对于没有痘印没有色斑的皮肤区域,均匀肤色效果是有的,超级滋润,没瑕疵的干皮冬天可以试试。 10 overlord hair shampoo Since the exposure to cancer in China, sales in China have plummeted, but the impact in the United States is not too big, and it is a good sale. 10 霸王育发洗发水 自从在中国因为致癌被曝光以后,在中国的销量直线下降,但是在美国影响不太大,还是卖的很不错的。另外成龙在美国影响力很大,所以成龙的代言让霸王知名度大增。 随着中国的影响力越来越大,现在很多的华人也越来越偏爱中国产的生活用品,很多超市都可以买到这些护肤品,我们发现还是天然的护肤品卖的最好,华人对天然护肤品尤其的喜欢。 |